The U.S. Soccer Heroes Winter Championship went to the bravest this past April 2 with the FMBA team sweeping the finals in a 15 to 4 thrashing against N.J. Strikers North.  With the mayor of Clifton, James Anzaldi, sitting in the stands to support his FMBA players, the team routed the Strikers with a tactically organized strategy that guaranteed them the big win of the night.

Now the question remains whether the FMBA will bring their championship team to the Netherlands in October to prove that the U.S. is worthy of their first win at the WPIST games in Europe.  “A team like FMBA’s will give the North American delegation a great chance at making a very good showing at the games,” said U.S. Soccer Heroes Coaching Director, Alex Lalaoui.  “They would definitely be an asset to our roster.”

Congratulations also to all the teams that played on Monday’s finals including the N.J Strikers North, PAPD, JCFD, Hudson County Corrections, and North Bergen P.D..